EpicallyEpicSoap Lip Balm & KnitsKnacks Cozy


lip balm from Epically Epic Soap in knitted cozy by KnitsKnacks.com

I purchased some lip balm from Epically Epic Soap off Etsy and knitted myself a little cozy for it, since I’m always losing my lipbalm. :/


I purchased the Anjou Pear and Bullfrog Cherry. I tried the pear first and while wearing it, it smells like when you first bite into a fresh pear. It does not have a very strong smell, good for the sensitive sniffers. The Bullfrog is a mix that smells like a fruity smoothie and is stronger than the Anjou Pear in comparison. I haven’t tried it on yet as I’m still wearing the Anjou Pear. But so far I am enjoying the feel, it goes on nice and smooth and I can feel the much needed moisture being taken in. I’ll admit it, I’m a mouth breather. I can only imagine I must look like I’m in shock all the time with my jaw hanging down all the time — I’m somewhat kidding.


For those that are used to store bought I would say that the Anjou Pear’s texture is similar to the Blistex Five Star Lip Protection in the way it feels while being worn. I feel I should include that I am the one that puts lip balm on every 2 minutes for the fun of it and when I only apply once I generally apply quite generously. To be honest, I don’t really like store bought anymore. I never really know what’s in it, I don’t check anymore and it’s never clear cut on the label. Everything has sunscreen and I don’t like digesting sunscreen. I’m a gremlin, I don’t go out in direct sunlight and feel I have no use for sunscreen on my lips so why buy it?

So the important question, would I buy it again? Yes. :)

Author: KnitsKnacks

Creator of KnitsKnacks.com Started knitting in May 2007

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