Randomly met a fellow #knitter at the lake today!!! Super cool!! Glad I walked up and asked to join! #knittingday #knittingatthelakeFinishing up the #shawl #forsalewhenfinished send me a message if you're interested!
#knittingprojectlineup currently have 4 projects going. #knittingday #knitinpublicday is coming soon!
Getting #backtowork on this shawl that I'm forever "almost done" with. Still have a bit of yarn to #knit through. #knittinginbed
Knitting with the ladies tonight! #knittingnight #knittinggroup #knitfaced #forsalewhenfinished #forsale
I will finish this soon! I've said that before….. But the ball of yarn won't end!…… #briocheknitting #shawl #forsalewhenfinished #forsale #handmade #handknit