The #goodolddays of #stayinguplate to translate #German to #English.. but instead of Rammstein lyrics it's a #knitting (#maschen) pattern. I've learned 1×1 rib, color change, increase and decrease, as well as stockinette.. but I can't figure out the short hand for Inc/Dec since it's too late to be doing math. 🙄🤣#backinmyday #backintheday #iknowhowtouse a #dictionary #backinthedayweusedbooks #backinmydayweusedbooks #deutschlernen

 The #goodolddays of #stayinguplate to translate #German to #English.. but instead of Rammstein lyrics it's a #knitting (#maschen) pattern. I've learned 1x1 rib, color change, increase and decrease, as well as stockinette.. but I can't figure out the short hand for Inc/Dec since it's too late to be doing math. 🙄🤣#backinmyday #backintheday #iknowhowtouse a #dictionary #backinthedayweusedbooks #backinmydayweusedbooks #deutschlernen

Author: KnitsKnacks

Creator of Started knitting in May 2007

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