Busy Bee

San Diego Yarn Crawl logo

Yarn crawl is coming!

I have created a custom map with just the Yarn Crawl participating stores: https://drive.google.com/open?id=1ZNYHKQ0qQJuORe-ACn70llazfF8&usp=sharing I haven’t decided what stores I will be going to on which days and the order yet, that will come later as time permits. However, I took time off this year so no more cram-13-stores-in-2-days-for-crawl experience. Yarn money is appreciated!

I’ve been busy finishing my Persuading Jane and it’s finished aside from sewing on buttons and weaving in ends.

Kevin Minion looks like something out of a hiphop group, with his one overall strap held on by a st marker.

Started working on my Fire Shawl pattern. Well, restarted? I started a while back and had put it on the back burner and it’s now back at play as of August 14, 2017.It's been 3 steps forward and 2 steps back.
But it’s been fun and I am enjoying the progress being made! The harder part will be finding the label for the yarn I’m using since it’s #vacationyarn and Ravelry Red by Malabrigo.

Doing another Obsidian in blues. Obsidian Shirt pattern in Red 2016 Pictures to come but for now I must leave and make dinner!

Author: KnitsKnacks

Creator of KnitsKnacks.com Started knitting in May 2007

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